The Gold Nugget Mandarins are now in season, ripened to perfection and ready for your enjoyment! They have a bright orange bumpy rind with an easy peel skin. Inside, you will find very sweet, tender and juicy flesh plus they're seedless. Some professional taste panels have even claimed Gold Nugget Mandarins are the best tasting citrus in existence.
This year is definitely the highest quality crop of them we have grown yet. These will only be available for a limited time while supplies last so don't wait. Order here and we'll ship them directly to you or that special person you wish to share this premium quality, Georgia Grown Tree Ripe citrus with! From our farm to you table, enjoy and THANK YOU!
"They might be the last to ripen on the farm, but well worth every bit of the wait." - Joe Franklin
Franklin's Citrus Farm Statesboro Georgia, growers of premium tree-ripe citrus for fresh eating and culinary uses.